Sep 16, 2009


Yesterday, I found these "Higan-bana"(彼岸花) in the neighborhood. "Higan-bana" is a representative flower in this season, but it is a little bit earlier than usual, I think. We often see the flower near a rice paddy.

In my Japanese-English dictionary, "Higan" is translated into "the equinoctial week". In this period, most people in Japan visit their family grave to honor their ancestors.

P.S. There is a song named "Man-jyu-sya-ka"(曼珠紗華). "Momoe Yamaguchi"(山口百恵)" sung it and "Man-jyu-sya-ka" is another name of "Higan-bana".


lenin said...

Wow, it's really beautiful, thank you for posting the photos, bike-san^^

bikenglish said...


Yes, I agree that it is a beautiful flower, but most Japanese can feel religious atmosphere from it.