Apr 22, 2012

A New Term Starts

In Japan, many things start on April.

In recent days, I was a little bit busy because I had spent a lot of time for preparation of my son's and daughter's new life..

My son has now lived alone in Fukuoka city to go to a university. My daughter has started a life in a dormitory to go to a high school. (But, she returns home every weekend.)

And I have started a new job in a different part of a local government since April 1. 



Unknown said...

I hope you can all enjoy this new phase in your lives. Which department have you been changed to?

bikenglish said...


Thank you for a kind comment. My new work is "public assistance" in a ward office. In Japanese, "seikaitsu-hogo"(生活保護). Many workers dislike to move to the division, but I hope to do in some reason.

ジョン said...

Time goes on ... I hope things go well for you and your kids.

(I also hope that I graduate at the end of the year so that I can get hired in Japan by April 2013...)