In this season, many Sake brewers held an event called "Saka-Gura-Biraki"(酒蔵開き) that means a brewer opens its brewery to sell its newest Sake. I visited a Saka-Gura(Sake brewery) named "Mizokami Syuzou(溝上酒造)" to buy a bottle of this year's Sake. The brewery names it "Shibori-Tate Nama-Zake"(しぼりたて生酒)"(in my direct translation) Freshly squeezed, raw Sake ".
I enjoyed the Sake with "Kiritanpo-nabe"(きりたんぽ鍋) for dinner.
Interesting. I got some umeshu a few weeks back that I've been slowly enjoying. I think umeshu is my favorite sake so far.
My favorite is beer, but I think that sake is also good when I come across delicious sake.
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