Last Monday, I guided a 31-year-old man from Hong Kong named Eric in Wakamatsu ward.
He has a plan to travel Japan by his bike until Nov.1st. He said that his last destination is Kobe(神戸) We met at "Kampo no Yado Kitakyushu"(かんぽの宿北九州) at about 2 pm. After our visit to wind powered generation systems in Hibikinada landfill area(響灘埋立地), we went to Wakamatsu civic hall(若松市民会館) to apply for a campsite named "Shoubu-dani Campsite"(菖蒲谷キャンプ場) where he stayed at the day. After that, we had a dinner at a restaurant named "Yabu-Soba"(藪そば).
He said that he works for an IT company and he made a plan to visit Japan now because of having his first baby in this December. I was interested in his solar panel that he is bringing with his bike. He said that it is very useful because many campsites has no electricity. He needs electricity to use his smartphone.
After the dinner he used a ”sento”(銭湯)to clean up his body and I took him to the campsite,
We had enjoyable time under very good weather.
Japan looks like it has some of the most picturesque views from coastal roads and bicycle routes that I have ever seen. But I think it is sometimes best seen at the more leisurely pace on a bicycle. I hope to actually experience pedaling through them next year!
What is the location with the wide section with the wind farms? and the boardwalk?
Thank you for posting a comment. I am very glad.
The wind farms are at,130.8000112,3a,75y,328h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sM8agY7BT95npo5skMQxy9A!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656
The boardwalk is at,130.8128868,3a,75y,228h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQ01Qq__twnOjcpd-kZRwgQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656
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