Sep 8, 2013

A traffic accident

On August 27, my wife was injured from a traffic accident. Fortunately, her injury was not serious, but she had to stay at a hosptal for three days after an operation that got rid of pieces of glasses in her arm. Now, she has returned to normal condition.

Her car, "Mitsubishi Ai"(三菱アイ), turned over and lied on its side when another car collided with it. It had very serious damage from the accident. The reason we think is that the car is "Kei"(軽) that is a small car with less than a 660 cc displacement engine. So we decided to buy a bigger car than "Ai".

The cost to repair it is higher than the present price of it so the negotiation for the accident has to be on the price.

Yesterday, we ordered a new car, "Honda Fit" at a car shop. It will come to us at the end of October.


ジョン said...

Wow, I'm sorry to hear about the accident but I'm glad that your wife is okay. I suppose the car did a pretty good job of protecting her overall. I hope that you like the new car.

bikenglish said...


Thank you for quick and kind comment.
My wife has already come back to her business. But she is a little bit in unconvinient situation becausupe of lack of a car.

By the way, I hope you will have a good trip in Japan.