Mar 18, 2010

knee osteoarthritis

There are a lot of elder females in Japan who have problem on their knees. It is "knee osteoarthritis", "henkei-sei-shistu-kansetsu-shou"(変形性膝関節症)in Japanese. My mother is one of them.

She developed this problem about 4 years ago. The pain on her right knee had grown day by day and finally she could not walk smoothly. About three months of nursing my father might make her condition worse.

I had recommended her to see a doctor in a relatively big hospital and receive an advice about an operation to replace her knee with an"artificial joint" but she didn't. But she decided to go to a hospital when she felt a strong pain in her knee in the middle of February.

The doctor explained her that Total Knee Arthroplasty ( TKA ) is the most effective way to get rid of her pain, and she agreed. Now, she is in the hospital (ironical speaking, it is where my father died!) and will receive the operation next week. I really hope her success in the operation.


ジョン said...

Wow, it's one thing after another for you these days. I hope that she pulls through feeling better than ever!

lenin said...

Hope everything will go ok and she gets better soon!

bikenglish said...

Jon-san, lenin-san,

Thank you for posting comments. The operation was successful. But, she often sleeps in bed because of sleeping pills, it is a little bit concern for me.

ジョン said...

Hmm. Well, I'm glad that the operation was successful. I hope that she'll be a bit more awake soon, though.