On July 31, I took part in a class named "Seikatsu-syuukanbyou-yobou-kyoushitsu"(生活習慣病予防教室). It was held for employees that might suffer some kind of diseases like diabetes, high-blood pressure, brain strokes if they do not improve their activities in every day life.
The class was formed of four parts. The first and second programs were lectures by public health nurse(保健師) and dietitian(栄養士). And third was a light exercise led by a sports trainer. In last program, we including the staffs ate "Heatlhy Bentou"(ヘルシー弁当).
In Japan, the cost for health care has been increasing, so people between 40 to 74 ages should be tested in hospitals or other health care centers to prevent "Seikatsu-syuukan-byou". But, this program has just started, there are a lot of people who have not been tested.
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