"Syounen-Ninja Kaze no Fujimaru"(少年忍者 風のフジ丸) is one of the animation movies that I watched in my childhood. It was a mono-chrome film in my memory, but, I had been wrong for a long time. I noticed that it is full-colored animation movie when I browsed several old animations on the Youtube. The television set of my house in those days was a mono-chrome TV.
By the way, this "Fujimaru"'s animation is a very good work, I think. The creator uses "light and shadow" very well.
Sometimes, I see "Naruto" animation on TV with my daughter and I am often impressed with its high quality. But, "Fujimaru" has a high quality, even though it was cerated more than 40 year ago.
I would like to know about how you feel from this animation.