Several days ago, I drunk a "sake" named "
hassaku"(船中八策). It
taseted very good.
A sake maker named "
botan"(司牡丹) in
Kouchi prefecture(高知県) names its production "
hassaku". It is the name of "
Sakamo Ryouma"(坂本竜馬)'s proposal that
urged "
Edogawa" administration(江戸幕府) to give up its power at the end of "
Edo" era(江戸時代). It is formed of eight articles and some people say that "
Ryouma" made it when he sailed, so its name is "
hassaku". "Ryouma" was born in "Tosa"(土佐), now where is Kouch prefecture.
Ryoma" is one of the most favorite hero among most Japanese all time.
NHK's "Taiga-
dorama"(大河ドラマ) in 2010 has been decided "
Ryouma-den"(竜馬伝) that tells his history by staring "
Fukuyama Masaharu"(福山雅治).